
Temeschwarer Banat (1769–1772) - First Military Survey

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Historical layer

Temeschwarer Banat (1769–1772) - First Military Survey

Layers provided by Arcanum Adatbázis Kft
Data provided by Österreichisches Staatsarchiv
Georeference method: Molnár, G., Timár, G., Biszak, E. (2014): Can the First Military Survey maps of the Habsburg Empire (1763-1790) be georeferenced by an accuracy of 200 meters? DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1447.8724. Conference: 9th International Workshop on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage Budapest, 4-5 September 2014, 127-132.

Archival identifiers

  • Banalgrenze [B IX a 771/772]
  • Böhmen [B IX a 92]
  • Bukowina [B IX a 432]
  • [B IX a 424/425]
  • Galizien [B IX a 390]
  • Innerösterreich [B IX a 54]
  • Karlstädter Generalat [B IX a 786]
  • Mähren [B IX a 155]
  • Moldau [B III a 180]
  • Moldau und Walachei [B III c 38]
  • Niederösterreich [B IX a 242]
  • Oberösterreich [[B IX a 211]
  • Österreichische Niederlande [B VIII a 125]
  • Provinzialkroatien [B IX a 766]
  • Provinzialslawonien [B IX a 879]
  • Schlesien [B IX a 175]
  • Siebenbürgen [B IX a 715]
  • Slawonische Militärgrenze [B IX a 878]
  • Temeschwarer Banat [B IX a 577]
  • Ungarn [B IX a 527]
  • Warasdiner Generalat [B IX a 799]
  • West Gallicien [B XII a 100]


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