Europa în secolul al XIX-lea

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Strat istoric

Europa în secolul al XIX-lea

Hărți conexe
1:100,000 scale topographic map (Rektangelkart) of Kingdom of Norway
Belgia (1846-1854)
Bohemia (1842–1853) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Carta topografica degli Stati in Terraferma di S.M. il Re di Sardegna (1852-1867)
Coastal Zone (1821–1824) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Croatia (1865–1869) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Dalmatia (1851–1854) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Elveția (1855)
Franța (1836)
Galicia and Bucovina (1861–1864) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Grossherzogthum Baden (1838-1849)
Habsburg Empire (1869-1887) - Third Military Survey (1:25000)
Hungary (1819–1869) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Illyria (1829–1835) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Königreichs Bayern (1848)
Königreichs Sachsen (1821)
Königreichs Württemberg (1821-1851)
Lichtenstein (1816–1821) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Lombardy, Venice, Parma, Modena (1818–1829) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Lower and Upper Austria (1819–1869) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Map of the southern provinces of Italy (1862-1876)
Moldavia (1892-1898)
Moravia (1836–1842) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Ordnance Map of England and Wales (ca. 1890)
Ordnance Survey of Scotland, ca. 1890 [B VI a 32]
Papal States and Tuscany (1841-1843)
Prusia (1877)
Regatul Greciei (1885)
Rusia (1872)
Salzburg (1807–1808) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Senate Atlas at the National Archives of Finland (1870-1907)
Styria (1821–1836) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Topographic and military map of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (1861)
Transylvania (1853–1858; 1869–1870) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Tyrol (1816–1821) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Vorarlberg (1816–1821) - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
Wallachia - Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire


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